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    By Duane The Great Writer

  • “Most unaware people do not know the RealHistory of This Planet Earth, because they have Not been taught how to Become MultiDimensionALL and to Seee for ThemSelves as to how Other Invisible Dimensions in This CreationBubble Effect This PhysicalRealm and the Various BodyTypes Residing Here. Those of US who went to the fabricated ‘standard’ schools have been ‘indoctrinated’ with the MarketingPloy of the WorldKONtrollers and their ‘stories&rumors’ along with the so-called official documents&doctrines they have invented to Deceive those they Kontrol. To the Very Frail Indoctrinated PersonalMinds, because of The Governmental Literalized Programming of politics, religion, infiltrated spiritual paths&teachings, science, education & technology, most people usually Cannot SeeePast what they have been Programmed&Literalized with. The invented LiteralizmSystems are all geared to a OneDimensional MinuteView of AbsoluteKontrol & AbusiveAuthority and nothing more. The BusinessWorld is Not something ALLNaturALL, but is actually an ‘infection’ that is constantly Destroying The ALLNAturALL Environment created by Distorted Desperate People & Other BodyTypes (Reptilian Alien TapLinerS-RATS) who are So Afraid that they will not ‘get their share’ of what they need, unless they steal it from others, and so the BusinessWorld was created by the CertainFew who do Not have The RealCourage to do for themselves & Share with Others. The Political & ReligiousSystems (SacrificialObedience) were invented to get unaware people into ‘believing’ in something unseen to their PersonalMind&Senses. This is a Very Clever ‘trick’ that has worked for Eons of Lifetimes with ALL of US. ALLLife AlreadyIS! This IS Real! No one can ‘figure out’ ALLLife with Their LiteralMind, and this is why the WorldKontrollers use the Literal Approach to Everything They Do Here including the ‘deities’ they have invented. There had to be the ‘invention’ of a God for unaware people to ‘believe’ in something and have ‘faith’ that it exists to save people from their own Decisions. The God that unaware people are taught to worship&pray to are the Infiltrating Deceptors ThemSelves in OtherDimensions that are UnSeeen by the unaware. Even the best Psychics&Seers cannot See the SelfProclaimed RATS that have established themselves as AbsoluteAuthorities over the Struggling&Suffering BodyTypes in Creation and This PhysicalRealm. The Many Mansions or Heavens of Man are Other ‘nice looking’ Deceptive Places for unaware souls to get caught in for lifetimes. ThereIS ReALLL UNUversisss of ENDlisss FREEEnisss for those who Learn to Recogn’IS’e more than just Their PersonalMind&Self. StepOne for ALL of US in to go thru a CreationSimulator to gain a lot of Experience in the ‘phenomena’ of something created, and then to Learn to SeeeBeyond what has been created as a Comparison as to What is Not real, and then to Recogn’IS’e What IS Real as ALLLifeIS. There is NO Worshiping&Praying & NO Struggling&Suffering to AbusiveAuthorities Ever with ALLLife as IT IS. RealGuidance and a RealEducation IS Needed to Learn to Seee ALLLife as IT ReALLLyIS! SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ & Watch Your DreamVisions for RealAnswers for YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss! YOU IS The Experiencer & YOU Decide YourLife!

    Youtube Videos

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation, Gods of Man, & Authoritarians.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Wonderful Educators, Time, And Yugas.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Agreement.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Ritualism of Religion.

    The RealWakeUp Now. NU~U Sessions.

    The RealWakeUp Now. UNUversal Positioning.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Human History.